Seamless Digital Chart of the World

Sample Maps Sample maps from the Seamless Digital Chart of the World

Sample maps

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Provinces, transportation, populated places, and hillshades
Provinces, transportation, populated places, and hillshades

Provinces, transportation, populated places, and hillshades

Select cities, transportation, and water features near Shanghai, China
Select cities, transportation, and water features near Shanghai, China

Select cities, transportation, and water features near Shanghai, China

Land cover and water features of Bangladesh and India
Land cover and water features of Bangladesh and India

Land cover and water features of Bangladesh and India

Seamless data format that eliminates duplicate layers and tile boundary artifacts
Seamless data format that eliminates duplicate layers and tile boundary artifacts

Seamless data format that eliminates duplicate layers and tile boundary artifacts

What's new

Click on any map for a larger version.


Updated country and province polygons

Extended set of population-classified cities and towns with improved name rendering (GNS names with unicode diacritics)

Simplified display of rivers; data is included for the waterflow of each river, so smaller rivers can be excluded in a customized design.